28 May 2010

Apple TV no longer their "hobby"! iPhone look-a-like update leaked.

Engadget was tipped (and confirmed) that the new Apple TV is in the works, and looks very much like the iPhone [ED:3GS - not like the new one] it would seem from the limited info available that the main focus is on streaming, and thus capacities will be limited even more, from current 160GB to iPhone likening 16GB.

The much sought after 1080p will finally be available, and it'll run iPhone OS on the underworks (the skin over the top will clearly be more media based) instead of it's own variant on OSX like it currently does, on Apple's A4 chip.

Price will be (unofficial, remember) $99 - which will probably translate to around £85 regardless of exchange rate...

It is described as being small and iPhone like, with only a power socket and video out.

I'm gutted it's small.
Apple, I'm glad you've persuaded people your taking it seriously now, but if you want me (and I'm sure many others) to take it seriously, it needs to be in a box that won't look pathetic on my AV rack.

I will actually put this new device in an "old" style ATV box if thats what it takes. That or just pick up some "old" ATV's on the cheap, once their prices have been driven down by the new one costing <£100. I'm also worried about the "power socket and video out" part. The video out will clearly be HDMI, they'd be mad to try an push miniDP on it, but the part I'm worried about is audio. See, I need an Optical out to be convinced. I'd settle for digital coax. but I need some kind of separate digital audio. Anyway, rant over, wait for more details before passing any wilder judgements, but I expect we'll discuss this one on the next
podcast, Enigma Tech Podcast #2!